Animal Control
The City of Arlington is dedicated to helping protect the health, safety and welfare of both people and animals in our community. We have put the following regulations in place for everyone's safety.
- No animal shall be allowed to run at large
- All animals shall be on a leash and in their owners control when not in their residence
- All dogs 6 months and older must have a radies vaccination and a tag showing evidence of proper vaccination shown on their collar.
- Owners shall not allow their pet to defecate on anothers property without immediately removing it and properly disposing it.
- Excessive barking is considered a nuisance and in violation of City Ordinances
- No person shall keep a dangerous animal in City Limits (see the definitions included in the ordinance below)
- Ordinance enforcement: The Penalty for a dog running at large is: 1st offense is a warning, 2nd offense is $150.00 fine, 3rd Offense is $250.00 fine. After a 3rd offense the dog will be asked to be removed from the City.